Arthur P. Bollon, PhD

Title: 1) Chairman, Founder and Chief Executive Officer; 2) President and Co-founder; 3) Director and Co-founder Company: 1) Vitruvian Biomedical Inc.; 2) Allosteric Bioscience Inc.; 3) SingPath Pharma Inc. Location: Dallas, Texas, United States Arthur P. Bollon, PhD, chairman, founder and chief executive officer of Vitruvian Biomedical Inc., president and co-founder of Allosteric Bioscience Inc., and director […]

Ekué G. Pierre Kpodar

Title: International Consultant in Economics, Finance, and Development   Location: Gaithersburg, Maryland, United States Ekué G. Pierre Kpodar, international consultant in economics, finance, and development, has been recognized by Marquis Who’s Who Top Business Owners for dedication, achievements, and leadership in finance. With nearly four and a half decades of experience to his credit, Dr. […]