Fred Khalifa Khalilian
Title: 1) Owner and Chief Executive Officer; 2) Entertainment Agent Company: 1) Blockchain Consulting Group, LLC; 2) Hollywood Production Group Location: Miami, Florida, United States Fred Khalifa Khalilian, Owner and Chief Executive Officer at Blockchain Consulting Group, LLC and Entertainment Agent at Hollywood Production Group, has been recognized by Marquis Who’s Who Top Business Owners […]
Martha Peck
Title: 1) Appraiser; 2) Antique Dealer Company: 1) Martha Peck Antiques, LLC Location: Lake Forest, Illinois, United States Martha Peck, appraiser and independent antique dealer for Martha Peck Antiques, LLC, has been recognized by Marquis Who’s Who Top Business Owners for dedication, achievements, and leadership in antiquarian proprietorship. Ms. Peck’s business specializes in vintage furniture, […]